On July 26, 2003, the then 19-year-old Hannes took part in a charity motorcycle race in Upper Austria and fell badly. “When I found out on the phone, the world stopped turning for me as a father,” thinks back the former motocross world champion Heinz Kinigadner. Then in the hospital the diagnosis: injury to the fifth cervical vertebra and spinal cord. Hannes is completely paraplegic from the neck down. “Suddenly you don’t feel your body anymore. I can only move my arms and hands to a limited extent and I need help with dressing, eating, drinking and washing. Actually everything.” In 2004 Heinz Kinigadner and his friend Dietrich Mateschitz founded the Wings for Life foundation. The goal: paraplegia should be cured. “I was and still am convinced that the situation will not stay that way for Hannes and everyone else affected. To do this, we promote cutting-edge research all over the world.”
Research projects
To date *, Wings for Life has funded 170 research projects around the world to help treat paraplegia. We as Red Bull Dolomitenmann offer Wings for Life a platform to make the foundation even better known. What most people forget is that over 90% of paraplegia occurs in everyday activities such as housework or driving. The celebrity team Wings for Life around Andreas Goldberger, Benjamin Karl and Wendelin Ortner as well as the Wings for Life Heroes, where handicapped athletes form a team, stand for the attention of this foundation. In this way, their level of awareness can be further increased. We ask you to support Wings for Life, because we can only achieve the goal of making paraplegia curable together!
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Werner „Grizzly“ Grissmann
Inventor Red Bull Dolomitenmann